2024/2025 Tuition    

  • One Class per Week per Family – $79 per Month
  • Two Classes per Week per Family – $155 per Month
  • Three Classes per Week per Family – $220 per Month
  • Four Classes per Week per Family – $275 per Month
  • Each Additional Class per Week per Family – $47 per Month
  • Drop In – $25/class (call ahead to make sure there is space available in class)

Classes range from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours in length depending on age, dance style, and level of difficulty.

Tuition & Payment Policies for 2024/2025: Please Read Carefully

  • Tuition is due on the first of each month and is late after the 10th.
  • There is a $35 late fee for tuition received after the 10th.
  • Tuition is payable by cash, check, Visa or Mastercard.
  • There is a $35 returned check fee.

THERE IS NO PRO-RATED TUITION!! Your monthly tuition payment insures your placement in a chosen class. PLEASE NOTE: If a student misses class, we will not pro-rate the monthly tuition. We will only issue a credit or pro-rate the monthly tuition ONLY if WE cancel the class and are unable to offer a make-up lesson. If a student misses class, please ask your teacher for an appropriate time to come and take a make-up class. Tuition is amortized over the “dance year” (September to June), so when some months have three weeks (due to holidays) and some have five weeks, the tuition per month is the same.

There are no credits, and no refunds. NO credit will be issued for a student’s missed class(es) except by express permission from Sherrie personally. Any missed classes can be made up in an alternate class. Make-up classes can be arranged and are encouraged. Please see your instructor for an appropriate makeup class. There is no penalty if you choose to drop a class. However, tuition will not be refunded.

TUITION PAYMENT OPTION - For your convenience, and if you choose, your monthly tuition can automatically be charged to the credit card of your choice. Your credit card number and information will be encrypted and stored safely in our dance studio software. This will save you having to write a check or bring in your credit card. And, it will save us having to mail out reminders to those who forgot to pay their tuition plus the $ late payment fee. PLEASE ADVISE OUR FRONT DESK STAFF IF YOU WISH TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS CONVENIENCE.

Withdrawals and Changes to Class Schedule: To withdraw from a class, or to change your class schedule, we must have 30 days notice or you will automatically be charged.  Until such time, space will be held for the student and the charges invoiced to the parent. Any fee in arrears will also be assessed.