We have three ballet programs to offer this summer, as follows:


Saturday mornings we will contimue our regular Pre-Ballet program from 9:30-10:15. Classes will run from July 14th – August 4th. Tuition is $68 for the month.


Ballet Intensive Day Camp

Monday, July 9th – Friday, August 3rd

9:30 – 3:30

Spend your weekday mornings at the studio for oour ballet intensive program! This intensive is only for intermediate to advanced level dancers, as it will require a full day’s commitment with fast paced classes. While the main focus will be on ballet technique, we will also be incorporating other styles of dance we do not normally offer at the studio, including modern dance and West African dance.

Tutiion is based on numer of weeks enrolled as follows:

1 week – $165;  2 weeks – $325;  3 weeks – $480;  4 weeks – $625

**We will also offer just the ballet barre class, which is every morning from 9:30-11:15. Drop-ins are accepted at $20/class, or unlimited for the month at $250.**


Ballet Boot Camp

Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 10th – August 2nd

4:30 – 6:30

This program is for students who are at the advanced beginning level of ballet or have had 3 or more years of other dance experience. Tuesdays will place a big emphasis on terminology and barre technique. Thursdays will focus more on center work and spplying new skills in choreography.

If you’re interested in getting a quick jumpstart into ballet or are looking to advance your current skills, this is the program for you!

Tuition is $120 for both days the entire month. If you’re interested in only doing one day, please make arrangements with Danielle.


If you have questions about any of these programs or for private ballet lessons, please contact Danielle in person or at danielle.vigil@gmail.com. Tuition payment can be made through credit/debit or by check, made out to Danielle Vigil.