2024 Summer Dance Session

July 1st to July 31st

Schedule of Classes


5:30pm — Mini Tap

6:30pm — Turns I

7:30pm — Turns II

8:30pm — *Open Lyrical Combo & Improv.


5:30pm — Jazz Basics

6:30pm — Intensive Stretching

7:30pm — Kicks & Leaps for all levels

8:30pm — *Open Jazz Combo & Across the Floor Progressions


5:30pm — Jr. Tap

6:30pm — Adult Jazz

7:30pm — Teen & Adult Int./Adv. Tap

* = class is 45 minutes long


Class Descriptions

Jazz Basics — This class is for dancers 5 & up who are interested in taking Beg. Jazz in the fall and would like to get a jump on the basic footwork & skills.

Intensive Stretching & Strength Building — a class focused on flexibility & building dance-specific strength. Open to dancers of all levels

Kicks & Leaps for all levels — Strengthen your legs and work on articulating your feet as you learn and work to master kicks & leaps. Note: this class will be differentiated for all levels of dancer who have at least 2 years of jazz and/or ballet experience. Motivated new jazz dancers (ages 12 & up) may also enroll. 

Turns — This class will focus on developing core strength & improving balance as well as working to learn & master new turns.                                                                            *Level I is for dancers who have at least 1 year of jazz and/or ballet experience, and have not yet mastered their double pirouettes.                                                            *Level II is for dancers who have at least 2-3 years of jazz and/or ballet experience, and have solid double pirouettes.

Adult Jazz — This class will include a warm up, across the floor work & center combination. Open to 12024 Turn the Beat Around dancers, and any adult dancers with at least 2 years of previous jazz/ballet experience.

Mini Tap — for 2024 Baby, Take a Bow dancers PLUS any new tappers ages 6 & up

Jr. Tap — for 2024 Fly a Kite, Sunny Side of the Street & Bandstand tappers

Teen & Adult Int./Adv. Tap — for 2024 That’s a Plenty & Tango tappers

Open Jazz Combo & Across the Floor Progressions — A class that will be differentiated for all levels, with a focus on developing style! Ages 8 & up, with at least 2 years of prior dance experience.

Open Lyrical Combo & Improv. — A class that will be differentiated for all levels, with a focus on developing musicality, fluidity, and emotional expression! Ages 8 & up, with at least 2 years of prior dance experience.